
My Dear Fellow,

It is hot in Edinburgh today. We are not used to it. The city is full of red-faced, white-armed people stripped off and sitting on their front porches. It is the sort of day when you take off your jeans and there's a SCHLORP noise.

(Don't worry they are in the wash now).

Ironically, the office has cranked up the A/C. Consequently I was sat in my jacket today with a cup of hot tea.

But on my way home the tram was like an OVEN. I had to get off at Haymarket and decided to walk home alongside the cool of the Water of Leith. It was a good idea. Walking under the dappled sunlight was immediately soothing and it was hard to hear my own thoughts behind the sounds of happy birds singing in the trees and the whoosh of the water, splashing over rocks.

(Isn't "dappled" a lovely word, by the way? I've always though it a shame that it is so under-used. I think only sunlight can be dappled. Also horsies. Maybe giraffes. But that's it).

It was a lovely way to end Friday, and I felt the whole week falling away, next to the peace and calm, with only the occasional happy dog or photo-clicking tourist in sight.

Mind you, it's not like I didn't take the odd photo myself. I've included some in the extras too. Now I am home, sitting under a fan and Er Indoors has announced she still wants her Friday curry.

She's weird, I know. But tradition is tradition.


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