Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

That which we call a rose

“What's in a name? That which we call a rose
 By any other name would smell as sweet.”

You can see I still have Romeo and Juliet on my mind - I thoroughly enjoyed last night's production of Romeo and Juliet at the Globe Theatre, despite the awful reviews it has had. That play has been performed so many millions of times around the world that I found last night's version quite refreshing and funny, it was wonderful to see a different interpretation of it and so what if The Guardian thinks 'This risible production butchers the language, turns Juliet into a squawking, pampered princess and makes everyone dance to the Village People'. So many people find Shakespearean plays boring, particularly teenagers but this certainly was attention grabbling and different, I do recommend it, particularly to those who are bored with Shakespeare.

Gavin and I were at the new house today, to receive deliveries of some stuff and also trying to organise the switch over of gas and electricity. The first thing I did was turn all the heating off, the house was so hot and as we won't be moving in for some time we don't need the heating on. I went through all the kitchen cupboards and planned where things would go. We had arranged visits from two different gardeners to discuss some soft landscaping options - won't do anything now as it is too hot and dry as we have missed the main planting season, we must wait for September. It was a busy day which just seemed to fly by and I have got nothing done at home.

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