Training Day for Parents of the Girl Child Project

26th May 2017:

We have talked about this for a while, but Florence, who is head of this department decided to plan the first day for today.

As usual with Florence, it was well planned and instead of spending a lot of money on transport to bring the parents to the farm, Adamson (Head of Farming) and Brenda (Head of Orchard management), came to the horticulture section of the factory premises instead. 
The pictures show lectures and practical work, but this main pic is of the parents going home with 2 Mango, 2 Guava and 2 Papaya plants each, as a gift from the farm.

Rose writes:

Boss, here you are with the pictures of parents who attended the meeting today: So the following people members of staff were called to give introduction some real teachings and demonstrations: Florence, welcomed the visitors and explained the purpose of the meeting, Rose gave introduction about the forest project that is being implemented at our factory, Christopher talked about pumps on behalf of his boss Alfred who is not here, Benedicto talked about the fruit seeds and tephrosia, Adamson and Brenda talked about what they are doing at the farm in their daily basis, The meeting is still in progress so for now receive the pictures

Florence writes: 

Hi Boss,


Everything goes well and parents are so wonderful and amazed at what we are doing like how to open and manage an orchard, how to make compost manure and use it, how to plant Terphosia,  how to make and  use natural  pesticide and explain more about Agroforestry

PARENTS :They were all interested and asking questions in order to understand clear and takes a benefits. They also ask to train them again on practical experience on budding and grafting as they are thinking and planing more. About Agroforestry  they have also recommended the project that they will get more benefit in their areas while the natural forest is disappearing,  and they promise that they will come back to us when they are ready to proceed

Parents are so thankful on what we are doing since you started to educate their girls yet you are still doing good things for them to care their daily lives.

This is but a few of the parents of the 189 girls we support in Secondary school

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