A view from La P'tite Folie

It was a not too bad day today although a bit busy at work. The weather was nice but cold.

Having a few thoughts about identity this morning, following my yesterday's blip. So, how could I describe identity? Ok... I've had a couple of glasses of wine, so... I think I'll leave this to another day, haha!

Yes, I had a bit of a surprise today when I finished work. I received a message from a good friend of mine I hadn't seen for about two years! He just wanted to go for a drink and a bit of catch up, so I thought, why not!

We had a good catch up. He used to work with me. He's actually going to live in Australia soon, so it was good to see him before his great move. He actually paid for dinner, so that was an extra bonus!

This is the view from the restaurant where we had dinner.

Not much more to report. Working tomorrow.

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments on my Catalan identity blip. I made it to spotlight! That was a surprise! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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