Evening Light

By 10.30 am my three things in a row had already happened - which was lucky as I was seeing the dental hygienist at that time! Woke with a niggly head, lost time on the allotment with the chickens and then the clock in my bathroom told me the wrong time so I was late setting off, then I got stuck behind a tractor! But the dental hygienist was pleased with my teeth and said I was doing well with a difficult set of problems - I asked if she was saying I had crappy teeth! She meant tendency to gum inflammation and small mouth with awkwardly  aligned teeth!! I guess thats a yes then!
Off to Morrisons for essentials and treats and then.... yes,  the farmers and pet shop! Took some Pink migraleve on arriving home and thankfully that sorted the head out so in the afternoon I sowed  seeds in my modular pods and the usual scented ones in clay pots - Night Scented Stocks and Zaluzianskya, and the pretty Schizanthus my dad always grew. Also basil, parsley and Coriander - I do these every year but to date have not been that successful with them -  I'm  persistent but not optimistic! 
At 7 pm Colourful Mai arrived with our Chinese take-away! Lovely evening, lovely day when alls said and done! 

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