
Went to the rosary for Reuben this afternoon. So very sad. Kinda felt like the train got derailed after my dad and Dr. Sotolongo spoke as scheduled.
That made the afternoon a tad bit lighthearted.

My mom asked me to try to talk my dad out of driving after he'd had several dirty martinis. I was unsuccessful in getting him out of the driver's seat. So I hopped in the passenger side. I was also then unsuccessful in getting him to buckle his seatbelt.
After a close friend dies, he gets very nonchalant about living. He had always assume that Reuben and Ted would outlive him. Funny how things turn out. It's not really funny, but I can't think of another expression at this point.

As we were driving up to his office so he could re-type his eulogy to give to Diorella to keep and I was berating him about his seat belt, he told me that he had stopped smoking for me when I was 12 so that he could see me graduate from high school. Hearing him tell me that struck me; I didn't know he quit smoking for me. That meant a lot to me to hear, to know. I asked him to please try to be around for when I graduate medical school. And that I'd also like for him to be at my wedding, if I ever get married. And that I want my kids to know him. I just don't want to lose him to a car wreck because he wasn't wearing his seat belt.
At his office, I also discovered that he has been collecting bottles of wine from 1983, the year I was born, to drink at my wedding. Love that. I know he wishes I was born in 1982, that year was obscene when it comes to red wine. Buuuuttt, it's also so much more expensive from '82.
It's been an emotional weekend at home. Glad I had some time off to spend it here in Beaumont.

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