Aquilegia - beauty in the midst of evil

A beautiful, warm and sunny day

It seems like summer has broken out for a few days and we were able to have an early breakfast in the garden. A little later, at coffee time, I decided that one of my favourite flowers deserved a Blip outing.

Later, I will continue my weekly Listening Service session. There seems to be an increasing number of people really struggling with relationship problems.

The news is full of the latest names of those who died in Monday's terrorist attacks, including a lovely 14 year old, Eilidh MacCleod from the little island of Barra in the Outer Hebrides. We may move on from this in time but the families of those who died or those who suffered life changing will never forget. They will need support for many years, if not for the rest of their lives.

It is good to be part of the Blip Community where compassion has been shared, through photos and words.

I chose the aquilegia to reflect what I have thought these past few days - there is far more beauty and love in the world than evil acts - sadly, the evil acts get more headlines which give us a distorted view. Perhaps we can intentionally 'broadcast' more of the beauty through the medium of Blip.

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