our garden is an abandoned dandelion jungle. what a luxury it felt like tonight to do some weeding, clear out the bike shed and tidy up outside the kitchen...we haven't had any time for that this year. daisy has taken charge of the veggie patch, which I'm hoping she'll see through. she started the weeding tonight, distracted along the way by beasties, and I'll help a bit next week because there really are millions of weeds to get through.
we took down the honeysuckle which was a bit sad as it was lovely, but we couldn't walk down the path because of it. tomorrow we'll get the grass sorted and maybe trim the plum tree hedges in to more of a hedge shape. I have several gardening injuries already but it was so good not to be painting or running. also, trying not to think about the security risks of taking part in a big event in edinburgh at the weekend...

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