Bleeding Hearts

Dear Diary,

I am still so upset about the horrific bombing in Manchester, England that killed 22 young people at a concert.  I went in search of an appropriate image for today's post and I found it in the front yard.  My Bleeding Hearts are just starting to bloom and I thought, what a perfect image to symbolize the world's response to the tragedy.

I have always been labeled a "bleeding heart", which is not supposed to be a flattering term, but I have always worn the label as a badge of honor.  It is right that we feel compassion, that we care about what happens to others and want to help.  I have been so heartened by the examples of people coming to the aid of the victims of the attack in Manchester.

Someone once said that when you see something as horrific as this, look for the helpers, those who risk life and limb to offer any assistance they can.  That will give you hope that the world is not a horrible place and despite these acts of hate and violence, people are overwhelmingly good and compassionate.  We need more "bleeding hearts" in the world today.

"He did not say, you will not be assailed, you will not be belaboured, you will not be disquieted, but He said, you will not be overcome."
- Lady Julian of Norwich

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