Plus ça change...

By SooB


Yum. In an attempt at an instant garden, I succumbed and bought some plug plants today. Sprouts, lettuce and other stuff. Very lazy, I know.

Today was a bit crazy. As we settle into a new Wednesday (no school, but lots of clubs) routine, there was bound to be a bit of craziness; but a combination of K's friend not going to art (meaning I had to do drop off and pick up) and Conor's football coach arbitrarily changing the time of his session so it finished half an hour later, and then a bunch (and I mean about four) Convoi Agricole on the road (huge harvesting type machines moving very slowly) meant I was late for everything. And next week will be even worse as K will have riding and basketball (missed today due to sore leg) to add to the tally. And Conor's football time is changing again which means it finishes at the same time his basketball starts. I don't know, life's much simpler if your kids don't want to do anything...

Also sorted out hire of a rotavator to get a proper veg plot going. Very friendly folk at the hire place. After our long summer absence, I'm feeling at home again.

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