Day 3 of IR Week

It's been quite an eyeopener using the IR camera when I'm not in an obvious place for IR subjects. It would all have been better if the sky had been blue but I missed the blue bit of the day while doing stuff , including finding my LensBaby lenses before I got round to actually going out and taking some photographs.
I just had a wander around the old town but should have paid more attention to framing my shots because there are a surprising number of walls with all sorts of IR sensitive greenery. All too often this was just lurking in a corner of my shot. But the biggest surprise was this and another similar shot of the rooftops. I knew there were trees around but never particularly noticed them in normal photographs while they really pop with IR. I must try again when I will have a dar sky as contrast.

Still no comment about my earrings and I know the boys won't notice this afternoon or if they do they won't comment (at least not to my face). Tomorrow I'm having lunch with two friends from school so we'll see. I think one or maybe both of them may have seen the challenge on Facebook but hopefully they've been too busy over the weekend to notice it. Will I be rumbled...

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