Growing old disgracefully


Excuse me, but you have something on your lip...

Great photographing opportunities at Sheffield Park today; water lilies, weird trees, sculpture, etc, but it was my late afternoon stroll through the fields that resulted in my favourite shot. I think our neighbours are South Down Sheep. I have become so fond of them this week that I have been revisiting my internal veggie debate. I was veggie briefly some years ago, but gave it up as It caused such unease socially. I didn't miss meat, in fact I enjoyed cooking and eating more because of the creative challenge. I'd quite like to go veggie again, but I live with a confirmed carnivore and I am not up to date with the debates. Meanwhile, I have to admit that if no one ate lamb the fields would not be full of them and I would miss that. We only eat red meat once a week and if I have my way it is usually lamb - I feel sheep are likely to have led reasonably happy lives, unlike pigs and cows. When our pals came over from Maidstone, I made them baked Sussex lamb marinated in lemons, garlic, capers and rosemary with a lemon curd glaze, roast red onions and minted new potatoes. Jolly good it was too. I told my wee pal about it and she appeared unruffled, just kept on chewing the same old piece of grass.

Trees - they never cease to amaze
Our accommodation- think it is quite the best self catering accommodation we have ever stayed on. Can't post any photos - you would all die of jealousy
Sleep - I've had wonderful nine hour sleeps here, waking early, refreshed, raring to go.

Two mile brisk early morning walk
Stroll round Sheffield Park
Late afternoon stroll

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