Au revoir, Bretagne!

For my last morning in Brittany Lulabel, Mabel and I drove to nearby Dinard for a walk round the coastal path.

The main blip is looking across the Plage de l'Écluse from the sea pool to the grand mansions on the other side. There is a statue of Alfred Hitchcock on the prom of the beach. Apparently he used to spend a lot of time in the area and it's easy to see where he got the inspiration for the big scary house in 'Psycho'.

The extra is the view from the coastal path in the opposite direction, across the mouth of the River Rance to St Malo, with its iconic cathedral spire clearly visible.

I'm now back at my house-sit in rainy Scotland, ready to fall into bed and dream about the beautiful, aptly-named Emerald Coast. A short but very sweet visit.

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