Today turned out to be not at all what I'd planned, but was ok regardless.
Excessively long lie-ins resulted in time only for a quick shopping trip before lunch (to buy lunch) rather than the vide grenier visit I had planned. And the continuing (and slightly scary at one point) unreliability of my courtesy car meant I had to cancel the trip to see Veronica's choir concert at Castelnaudary. (Mr B was too sick to take us in the hire car.)
So instead, some sitting around hoping the sun would heal all our various ailments, some teaching CarbBoy the importance of checking shipping costs before you think you've snagged a bargain, and mostly a lot of failing to make decisions about anything.
And early nights all round.
The flowers stubbornly refused to do anything at Christmas, so I shoved the pot at the bottom of the garden. And now here it is: better late than never.
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