Hello Herdy

How should we measure a good day in the mountains?

Today we travelled not very far. No major, or even (I think) named summit was scaled. Ropes, harnesses and paraphernalia were not needed.
We parked at the Three Shire Stone - busy as ever a stream of people took the well made path North - we took no path West.
We saw Butterwort, Milkworts and Tormentil - most people probably just saw grass. Others went to paths, peaks and lakes - we went to ghylls , re-entrants and random piles of stone.
I really hope everyone we saw from afar enjoyed their day as much as us - but today was a day to be off the beaten path, to spend time in the details small and beautiful - to take pleasure in knowing that we now have the skills to go where we please. A good day.

Oh, and we talked to some sheep too.

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