Whats going on here then.....
SkiMe's challenge for MonoMonday today is titled 'Running Dialogue', and/or f8 and be there revisited. I thought perhaps I should record into the phone what I was seeing so I could relay the running dialogue leading me to this shot but it was too hard holding the phone and the camera so doing the best I can I had just missed a good shot of a man trying to catch his dog who had got loose and was playing chasings. He caught it in the end and picked it right up and it wasn't a little dog. Very reminiscent of a shot of Meyerowitz, the inspiration for today's challenge. Anyway, walking on and cursing that the action had happened behind some obstacles I came around the corner to this scene. I suppose I was amused by the posture of the man and the womens' looks. I waited as a small child (out of view) was coming towards him but the child was shy and ran off. I was hoping to get the interaction of the child and the man but in the end I rather like the shot I suppose because of the womens reactions and for what was not there.
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