Light Work

We are going bark to Wanaka tomoro and The Boss is going to miss this place.

Every morning he gets up…I am already up…and pops some soothing music on to his blue tooth. You kno I have never actually seen this coloured bit of denticulation  (oh new word) but I kno he thinks he has this and it seems to work ‘Cos music always appears shortly thereafter from the small speaker thingie he brought with him.  Then he sits in a large comfy chair with his camera often on his portable tripod and sips on a drink and waits.
Today we went for a wander to the botanical gardens but did it barkwards from the CBD of the city walking up to the top Cable Car station rather than riding. He has walked down lots but the reverse trip was fun and tomoro morning will be filled with the delights of housework. No we didn’t stop for Crepes at the Gardens Cafe as he was still working his way through the wonderful French bread he got on Sunday the last of which will go tomoro morning. French bread is quite hard to cut you kno…..Do the French have special knives or something as the crust resists this action with "La passion". 

Wellington is pretty dog friendly as the Gardens Cafe  (as above) had no less than 5 dog dishes of water scattered about but I don’t actually kno if you can take a dog in the gardens or just the Cafe. The extra was from the waterfront past Oriental Bay. 

Meanwhile The Bossess ( rumoured to be suffering from lowered Caffeine levels)  has been breaking things so there will be a burst of repair and replace when we return.

Au revoir mon merveilleux Wellington. (Goodness blame the bread).


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