Up early in case I needed to go up to Dad's first thing. I phoned once I hoped the carer would have arrived at 8, and she said he seemed much brighter than last night.So I could stay at home a bit longer and potter a while. He has quite a chesty sounding cold, so I rubbed some vapour rub into his chest, fingers crossed it won't make him sore. I stayed about three hours, then went back home. My neighbour had cut hers and the elderly neighbours grass, so it made mine look untidy, so I gave mine a quick run over. Then pruned a few of the bushes in the said elderly neighbours border. I was accompanied by several of these butterflies.
I had a little sit in the back garden and read for half an hour which was nice.
Rosie has booked a cottage on the Isle of Wight and invited  me to join her and Graham for a few days in June. I hope I can organise Dad's care to enable me to go. (At least it is not too far away if I do have to come back early).
Harry had a cycle ride this morning and then Selena and him have gone out for a drive to have a walk in the woods.

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