Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2014 Sunday -- The End of a Chapter

He refers to himself as a "last responder." What would we do without first responders? They are so necessary, but so are the last responders. He has been with more people as they made their exit from this life to the next than most people can imagine. 

He started his ministry life in the role of "leader to jr. high kids." He fell in love with every aspect of leading those kids and helping them to find the best possible pathway to adulthood. The burning desire to work with jr. high kids took him to Bible college as a married man with a wife, and two kids. 

He came out of college ready or so he thought. Then the leaders of his congregation decided to change his area of focus from jr. higher to senior adults. He has been fond of saying that they are jr. highers with wrinkles. The "goodbye" to the jr. higher was the hardest transition to make and the immediate acceptance by the senior adults was comforting, if not out of this world fabulous. 

It was that transition that brought him to the role of "last responder." He had actually been "last responder"  a few times when a youngster had died, and usually because of tragic, gut-wrenching situations, but later when saying "Goodbye" to senior adults who no longer could stay on this side of life, he found the role of "last responder" no less heart-breaking, but for him it has been a very comfortable role, a place where God has placed him and gifted him to do the work, the ministry, the compassion, that few are gifted to do. And after a person has crossed the threshold, Mr. Fun then turns to comfort the family, the loved ones, the friends, who all seem to be at such a tremendous loss. Today he told his congregation that "enough was enough" as he gave his final sermon. He has been standing to deliver, right there in that spot as senior pastor since May 18, 2003. He was an associate since February 16, 2003. Before that, he had served in this community at Crossroads Church since January 1, 1980, as an associate pastor overseeing senior adults and many other areas. 

He is 68 years old. It is time to step away. Time to retire. None of this is a surprise to God. So we'll watch where God takes us and on what path, and we will watch as the "Little Church with a Big Heart" moves forward through the leadership of the pastor the congregation selects.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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