Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2017 Tuesday -- Goodbye Celebration

Diane is leaving our college the end of June to become the president of a community college in Oceanside. She is a Vice President of Academic Affairs at our college.

Diane has been at our college for probably 17 or 18 years. I was on her original hiring committee when she was asked to be our first full-time Reading Professor; she had been a high school teacher.

I've watched her move through the ranks and go to USC to earn her doctorate. Her first administrative position was Dean of Instruction. I was in high hopes this past autumn that she would be hired at our school to be president, but it didn't happen. There were a couple people on the hiring committee that held grudges against her and could not put their personal biases aside. I am very disappointed that we are losing her.

I wish her the best.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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