Journey Through Time

By Sue

Another lovely day

My stepmom, Sondra (or Sandy as we call her sometimes), and Bill, at Avery Park in Corvallis, OR.  We stayed overnight and then visited with her again today.  She was happy to see us and had forgotten that we were there yesterday.  We took her out for Baskin and Robbins ice cream, and since that's about her favorite food, she was happy with that.  The rhododendrons were in full bloom at the park and we enjoyed being out and about.  She is new to the facility she is in now, so Bill and I toured the building and checked it out.  The staff is very nice and seems quite caring.  It's a lot different from the assisted living place she was in before with her husband. This one is a locked facility and one must use codes to come and go.  There is one man there, a resident, but in his previous life, he might have been a janitor or something like that, because he likes to clean. So they give him one of those carpet sweepers and he just cleans all he wants. I think that's terrific.  We stay in my stepmom's house that they lived in for a long time.  We do some chores there, and Bill mows their huge lawn and I've been straightening up cupboards, throwing out expired food, etc.  We will try to get there at least once a month.  Gives the relatives that live there, a little break for them.  We returned home today, as Bill has a part time job that he goes to on Sunday - Thursday.  He works at a garden nursery, so on our days off, we visit the garden nurseries! ha  Hope all is well with everyone.

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