Where there's a will . . . .

Since the accident with the truck the other night this huge pile of rope has lain on the beach at the bottom of our slip way.  Today I decided I'd had enough of it so after a bit of wandering round it and thinking I set to with a block and tackle!  

I cut open a compost bag and winched the smaller pile of rope onto it then pulled it up the beach.  It slid along not too badly and I got it up onto the grass at the top, nice and tidy!  The bigger coil was much heavier and I ended up hooking the block and tackle onto the tow bar of the car - on the other side of of the road - to get it up the steepest bit of the slip!  

It took a while, but it was so satisfying!  Finished off by cutting the grass and so now it's all tidy and ready for boat work this weekend.    Unfortunately Mike only has Sunday off, so here's hoping it's decent weather!

Working in the shop in the afternoon and met some really lovely folk.  So nice that I didn't mind staying open an extra half hour while they chatted!

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