A cup of tea solves everything

Fell off the decaf wagon today. Like they say, a cup of tea solves everything....! (This is my latest doodling, by the way. Once I've done a few they will be for sale on Etsy!)

Last night Charley fell out of bed for the first time. I've honestly no idea what happened. His yelling brought me round, but I just lay there in a stupor wondering what on earth was going on: he'd brought me out of a deep sleep. Steve rescued him, he went back to sleep grumbling but ok, and has been fine today. But it's happened a few times this week, the being dragged out of a deep sleep and wondering what on earth's happening. Obviously Charley's cry is still enough to get into my subconcious and drag me up but it's taking a long time to respond at the moment. Hopefully things'll get a bit better soon!

Physio this morning. Was really nervous, expecting a telling-off for posture, and a fairly dismissive visit with a few exercises to do. But, I was wrong. I may not have been put through my paces but I've learnt a lot about just how much my body is linked up through my core, and how much core work I need to do to stop my shoulders and hips hurting so much.

Came home to find the boys were out, my latest poster consignment had arrived, and a packaging order from the previous week was missing. Cue tidying up and sorting out. Still missing the black tissue paper. The hunt is on to figure out where it's got to.

The boys came home and we had lunch - the boys had cupcakes for lunch :-/ but I managed to make sandwiches for me and Steve!

Then it was (more) cake baking time. The chocolate brownie cupcakes that I made yesterday were supposed to be for the new neighbours, but they sank a little when they came out of the oven and in any case Ben had his eye on them so we kinda had to make a whole new batch...

Steve had some good phone convos with potential clients this afternoon and then I had to muster up courage to go round to the new neighbours with the cakes. I had an escape route because I had to take posters to the post office, and collect medicine for Steve from the pharmacy but when we took the cakes round our neighbour invited us in for a cup of tea in the garden and how could I say no?! I promised to call in when we'd done our errands, and so we did. Ben got two new cars (at 50p each!) and took them with him to show Casper, who he is now firm friends with; and I sat in the garden with Stephanie and talked about kids and moving house and partners and gardens and life and all sorts. (And I drank tea, and thought nothing of it. Oops.)

Ben didn't want to go home. Neither did I, truthfully. But Steph and Casper had a whole load of unpacking to carry on with, and dinner to get, and we needed to have dinner as well, so with a promise that he could come back tomorrow after school (for Casper is 10 and at school during the day!) we left.

I really really hope I've made a new friend :)

The evening has been a good one too. The boys went to bed easily, and stayed there; and I, feeling brilliant because I'd had a brew earlier on, managed to happily doodle on another couple of mugs AND watch Doctor Who with Steve before going to bed :D

Back on the decaf wagon tomorrow...

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