Leaving doo

I don't know if it has really dawned on me that I am leaving this gorgeous bunch of people on Monday. After I left the council (22 years there)., I went to work at a school. This lot made me feel welcome. There was no back biting, no stabbing in the back, and it took quite a while for my paranoia to subside. In fact the guys I have worked with for the last 5 years are the most hard working, and fun loving people. They are friendly and supportive . So why leave?

The school is undergoing huge changes in becoming an academy. Some are really good, some are practical, but some of it does not sit comfortably with me. I don't want to work in a corporate school, I like the individuality of primary schools. So time for a change.

One more day with these lovely lot and then all change. Thank you A team, as we call ourselves, for a fab evening

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