High enough to catch the sun

The last time I did not go for a run was 12 September 2011. On every one of the 366 days since (including today) I have taken at least one photo, some of which I have saved visitors to my journal from having to see, as I managed to find a better picture elsewhere.

This morning, there was too much choice. I went down to the Viaduct Harbour area, and cruised around looking for potential pictures with water, reflections, sky, boats, and the evidence of a working port. The very first picture I took really appealed; but I had taken a similar picture about a month ago. So I put it in my blipfolio.

Some of the ones I took after this had their different appeals. I chose this over those because it captured a specific instant of time; one wherein I noticed the glinting light, saw how to get a pleasing image and then achieved it in the relatively limited time before it was lost.

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