Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

A-Courtin' in the Garden

While getting ready for work this morning I chanced to look out the window towards the side fence, which is choking under the weight of the oceans of wisteria beginning to flower. Thereon I saw a flitting about, as of little birds. I didn't have on my glasses, but was pretty sure they were fairy wrens, extremely pretty little birds, so I ran. ;-) I grabbed my camera, whipped off the Pentax 50mm, and threw on the Lumix 45-200mm. Zoomed outside (in my socks), to find them gone.

However, I then noticed more flitting a bit farther down the hedge, so crept/ran (yes, it's a thing; it is because I say it is xP ) down the lawn towards them - only for them both to fly off again, down towards the bush at the back. Happily however, a third was lagging a bit behind, and paused on a tree (as you see, also weighed down with wisteria) juuuuuuuust long enough for me to snap this (in the next shot, as quick as I could take it, there was tree, wisteria, but no wren).

This (I think definitely seen best LARGE), is a variegated fairy wren, a breeding male. Though I didn't get a good look at the other two, I'm going to assume they're females and he's a-courtin'.

Update on my wee lad (thanks for the well-wishes): though he did vomit (once) last night, he doesn't appear to have the gastro from which Miss 6 has just recovered (we're thinking that it must have been rotavirus, given the length of time for which she was ill, and also that the young master was vaccinated against rotavirus, but Missymoo wasn't). Rather he has a fairly standard upper respiratory tract infection (conjunctivitis included YAY!); he just tends to vomit when he coughs a lot.

In other news, I think I use far too many parentheses. xP

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