So Much Easier

"This is so much easier than setting up an 8x10 viewing camera", he said.

"The 8X10 experience:
Pack the following:
Majestic tripod - 80lbs
Film holders & changing bag-10lbs
Box of Ektachrome, $1.50/sheet (1975 $) + developing
Camera - 20lbs
Light meter
Bulb release
15 minutes to set up the shot
Make two exposures to double the chance of success
Go home, mix up 9 nasty chemical solutions and spend 1/2 hour in total darkness breathing vapors of said solutions.
Take my cellphone out of my pocket, hold it at arms length for composition and click-click-click until I get a shot I like.
Sure, not the resolution of a properly exposed and developed 8X10 sheet of Ektachrome, but I'm happy."

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