
Tonight we had a bit of a celebration tea for Katie. On top of learning she'd been offered a place at Yorkshire Young Musicians, on top of her having an amazing day yesterday, she found out this morning that she got 96 out of 100 for her Grade 3 clarinet exam. B messaged me yesterday and I saw it about 10.30. It took an awful lot of self-restraint to not go and wake Katie up there and again. She read the message this morning and just had the most gorgeous grin. She asked B if it was a distinction! (It is, by 10marks). She was so happy again today. So skippy, delighted, happy. 

She'd woken up about 5.15. After showing her the good news, she went and played for a while. She had a long bath, singing delightfully to herself. We left a couple of minutes early and got her a scone for second breakfast. When she reached the school gates, she saw her favourite TA was on the door and ran the whole way. Mrs C-S immediately asked her how she'd got on yesterday and gave Katie a big hug when she told her. 

They had a good day, a fill in teacher for the morning (from another class, not a substitute), doing maths, geography and some rehearsing of Little Big Sing. An afternoon of Despicable Me then orchestra for the girl. She loved telling her big friends in orchestra about her exam and they were really thrilled for her - they haven't taken their grade 3s yet. 

We walked quite leisurely home and arrived to find Granny and Grandad here already. I had bought ingredients to make Jamie Oliver Spaghetti Bolognese - Katie's favourite. We'd got profiteroles for pudding - her favourite pud. She sat in the car on the way to dancing with a look of total contentment. She has been so blissfully happy the last two days and I am SO proud of her & thrilled for her. 

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