Run Asha Run

Asha was doing a sponsored run today, raisingmoney for a charity. We went along to watch - she did SO well...pretty much half an hour of nonstop running in the midday heat! She then went off to play at a friend's house & pool for the afternoon.

We had 2 parcels of JOY today...a beautiful top from my sister, and a box full of goodies from Bulliblips...including snickers and crumpets!!! Very very excitingly, there was also a gorgeous monkey for Nate...Asha's delighted on his behalf!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha doing SO well with the sponsored run...she was one of a very few who ran the whole thing & didn't fall over. 
2) Generous & thoughtful friends & family.
3) Feeling part of the school community.

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