A garden filled with alliums
I do love alliums and I'm sure over the years I can add a few more to this collection. I went out to photograph water droplets suspended under the narrow leaves of newly emerging plants, but I couldn't get close enough without constructing a platform to stand on, so I settled for the alliums instead. They have been stunning this year. And at least I chose a relatively dry time of the morning.
It finally looks as though it's getting brighter. Our front garden is looking a bit like the tropics at the moment (well minus the warmth), we'll soon not be able to get down the paths.
Also some holiday pre-planning this morning which turned out to have its own frustrations. I've been trying to locate a 1:50000 map of the place we're going to visit in Umbria and spent a goodly hour trying to cross reference with the Google map, which is not quite detailed enough at a very local level. I'm not sure I've managed it as I suspect our hotel is slightly to the west of the map sheet I chose - Stanford's didn't have the adjoining sheet so I'm not sure whether one exists or not - the German map-makers might only have covered areas that they think people will walk in. Time will tell - I sent for it anyway.
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