New Cestrian

By BHPPhoto

Endurance Chair

Having sat up in this chair until the wee small hours early this morning watching Andy Murray's fantastic effort in the US Open Final, this evening I have now had to endure - yes that's the word, endure - Scotland's 1-1 draw with Macedonia who are, with the greatest respect to all Macedonians, the international football equivalent of a pub team. So where does that put Scotland? I think the answer is where they've always been... at the bottom. As a nation we really are duff at football and the only pleasure it provides is to those sad misguided souls, grown men and woman, who call themselves the Tartan Army and really believe watching Scotland play football is somehow important and perhaps also to the alcoholic army of sports writers and broadcasters who make a living writing and talking crap about a crap product. With all the Olympic and Paralympics winners and medallists along with Andy Murray winning the US Open and Bradley Wiggins winning just about everything in cycling, and all doing it with real dedication, courage, pain and endeavour, it really does put our national (British) sport of football into perspective. Our footballers just do not compare on any level with these guys. Well done Macedonia on getting a result against an even worse pub team.

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