Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Good for the garden

Been a bit wet this week. Think I'll stay in tonight. And avoid the obvious cliches.

Rather strange today: full of energy. Did an eleven hour day in the office, didn't crash once. Did pose for some photographs to help mark world Irritable Bowel Disease Day tomorrow. No nothing gory. But did bring back a few memories of when I was diagnosed five years ago. Had one of those procedures that could be a late announcement at the health service ball. You know, Mr and Mrs Oscopoy and their bowel surgeon son Colin. I like late entrants at the NHS Ball jokes. Like:

Mr and Mrs Rye-Scanner and their radiologist daughter Emma.
Mr and Mrs Bolic Steroid and their daughter Anna

and my all time favourite:

Mr and Mrs Rhinolayrngology and their german nephew Otto.

Okay it helps if you have a health background with this kind of humour...

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