
By Rosina


Today had a dream theme. Dreams are interpreted and taken very seriously here:

My Syrian friend came over with her children just as we were finishing school. She told me she'd had a dream where I was in my very fruitful orchard and was about to pick another fruit. She told her 'wise neighbour' about it who interpreted it as meaning I would have another baby. Eek! She was very excited, I wasn't!

We visited a yezidi refugee community. One lady dreamt last night her baby drowned so she couldn't leave him. Another lady who is due her baby soon told me she'll be called Maryam, because her Christian neighbour had a dream that's what the baby was called. These ladies are amazing-they are so poor, live in shepherds' crofts but make the best of it. One had just made herself a mud and straw floor for her home - it was really impressive.

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