
By gennepher

Early this morning...

...attempting to bird ID again with the ChirpOMatic app.

I had been hearing a bird laughing over the last few days. The ID app strongly suggested it was a Green Woodpecker. I also had what seemed to be a pheasant's sometimes at the same time. Which came up in the ID app. Then finally I got them recorded, several times, as two distinct separate voices, at different times.

The top one is the Green Woodpecker, which sounds very much like laughing.

The bottom one is the pheasant. I have a series of three separate calls the bird made, which is why I drew a line between them. Now, there is something I didn't draw in here, which now with hindsight I wish I had. After the first note is the sound of flapping of wings. I thought it was the blackbirds flying in and out of their nest and it was the flapping of the blackbird's wings against the leaves.

But, I have just been listening again, and I realised it was only after the first note, in each of the three sequences, was the flapping of the wings. So I looked it up, and info suggested it was just the male pheasant that did this flapping of wings at points during its song. So, if I drew this again, I would put an up and down zigzag /\/\/\/\ after the first note. There seemed to be about 4, and the top and bottom of the zigzag would be very slightly rounded, and not sharp.

So, this is my pic today for my challenge to myself of a pic every day in 2017.

[This is my artist's perception of sounds as they are now after being drastically changed after the remapping of my cochlear processor. I am readjusting to the different sounds, which are actually vastly different, as it is now suggested I was never mapped properly in the first place which is why I have struggled the last few years.]

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