
By DancingAly

Watery Sky

A rather watery day in fact, being that it has rained continuously from sun up to sundown.....

A pretty miserable day, but the plants definitely needed the rain so we shouldn't complain. 

I had quite a nice day at work. It was horrible being all cooped up in the heat and damp though.

I had a session with A after school. I love going to see her. We talked about school this week. Sometimes I don't like to talk about work, as I think it almost takes up too much of my headspace and I don't want to waste the time I have with A talking about work. But it was a good session, and she hit the nail on the head with lots of things that she said. I can't really remember them post-session though ;-) One thing is for sure, I always come away feeling clearer, and feeling like I can tackle everything. I feel better about myself, even if it's just on the drive home ;-)

I came home and had a nice cup of tea and a snack. I had a warm bath- my legs felt all damp from getting rained on all day.

I forced myself out to the gym in the evening. Sometimes I think it's less about the gym ( the broken shoulders and not really being able to do anything leave me a bit useless) and more about the thinking time the car ride gives me. I like the route, down lots of country-ish fast roads, and everything looks so pretty in the summer, even when it rains. I like listening to my music and just getting lost in my thoughts. 

I must have done some gym though, my back and shoulders are very sore today! Oh, and my legs! 

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