Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

A ferry trip to Hoy...

...and a walk to the Old Man...
Decided we couldn't catch the 10am ferry, manage a 13 mile walk and make it back in time for the 4.30 return, so got Mr Clarke's taxi across to Rackwick Bay and did just the last five miles there and back to the stack.
Mr Clarke was a fund of information, and pointed us at two mini museums at the drop-off point - the old school house and the Craa's Nest croft.
A great walk in the sun along the sea cliffs - orchids & sea birds galore! Didn't rain til we were on the jetty, so managed a fairly dry day again ;)
Main blip for widwed - thanks Bob - is Rackwick Bay, extras the Old Man and the cliffs.

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