dog tired

he managed to position himself to be under the roof but keep an eye on me too. I am his special interest, if I move, he knows about it.

However, today it is me who is dog tired not him who has done sweet FA all day. Today, after the usual morning stuff of waking up and working and bleurgh, I came home to take Flea to the dentist. She has something called aichmophobia, belonephobia, enetophobia, or trypanophobia (no, I didn't know that either), which basically means she is shit-scared of needles to the extent that she'd beat up a few adults in an attempt to get away from a confrontation with one. Luckily, her various dentists and orthodontists have taken this very seriously and have worked out a plan - she would have as much done as possible at once whilst knocked out with laughing gas. So, today she's had two teeth out (needed for her brace) and root canal surgery on a front tooth that got pretty much knocked out in an accident in 2010. Now she just has to go back for a filling in the front tooth, with no need for any knocking out.
She was tremendously brave though it all and wonderfully kind and forgiving when I explained to her afterwards that one does not have root canal surgery without injected anesthetic and that she had, basically been tricked and I had lied to her. I explained when the trick happened and exactly how it had worked. She said she'd noticed something odd and so I was glad I could set things straight. And now it's behind us and I can breathe again.....

I took the stress and frustration out on the people-wot-are-supposed-to-mend-the-oven as they failed to phone me back and then used ILLOGICAL arguments to explain why they had failed. I used logic and some swearing to put them right and now, even though it is IMPOSSIBLE for them to give me an appointment this week, funnily enough, they've found a space in their schedule. I'm not someone who likes being rude to people but I'm also not someone who is prepared to take much shit. Any shit at all, in fact.

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