
By beeeze


I've done something like this before but that doesn't mean I shouldn't do it again.

Busy busy morning. Have now employed a cleaner - I can tell you as many excuses as you like but the bottom line is that it's so much easier if someone else does it - so naturally spent a lot of time tidying round so that she could actually clean.

Ma was in a right old mood from the off this morning so in the end I didn't risk putting her in the car and driving to the day centre, it's just too risky when she's like that.

BBC Inside Out have contacted me this afternoon wanting to do some filming for a tv programme on elderly care. They are looking for someone who lives as part of a multi-generational household, who cares for an elderly relative. I'm fairly sure I will say no to this because the filming ('a few hours') will be terribly disruptive for Ma and the consequences will be horrendous. I'm talking to them tomorrow so we'll see what they have in mind and then I'll make a decision.

Also took Roy to the vet for another injection this afternoon. He's gained 0.25 of a kilo since Sunday, which doesn't really surprise me as he's barely stopped eating to draw breath since we got back. He's so very much better than he was, thank goodness.

Now off to watch the Great British Bake Off...

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