Wishing for blue skies

Unfortunately this picture wasn't from today. Today has been dull and raining. We dropped p off at school in the rain then me and A went for a swim. He loved it and was in his element. He kept pretending to be a crocodile and was chasing me around the pool! He's getting quite speedy with the noodle.

When got home we had lunch and then had some down time in front of the TV. The kiddies favourite program at he moment is Mia and Me on Netflix. A is obsessed and is either watching it, whinging that he wants to watch it, or is play an imaginary version of it. I got dragged into a game this afternoon where I was pretending to be an elf flying away from the vicious wigged beast that was A with a toy pterodactyl!

Another soggy drive to school to collect P, tea and then back out for Rainbows. I feel like a taxi service on a Monday and am glad to lock the front door this evening and not go anywhere. I was more than pleased however for P to tell me that she's moved up reading levels again. 2 levels in under one month. Way to go girl!

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