Tiny pansies.
Tiny pansies, or are they violas? They are in a planter outside the shops in the next village where there is a good card shop. I needed a card to wish George good luck in his GCSEs, and apparently there has been a run on good luck cards this week.
Cards have been on our sideboard for two weeks now, with both of us having birthdays. Today I took them down and then cut the fronts off them. I will take these to my WI meeting on Wednesday from where they will be taken to a Women's Institute located in a women's prison. A member of my WI was involved in the formation of this WI a few years ago and it has proved incredibly successful in rehabilitating the women. Every so often they have a coffee morning when members from Surrey WIs are allowed through security. They chat to these unusual WI members, enjoy refreshments made by the women and browse the sales table. Here they can buy greetings cards made from the fronts we have sent them, also craft items made from fabrics, threads, buttons etc that we also send them. I have been to one of their coffee mornings, quite an experience! All the women say how very important their WI membership is to them, and it is hoped that more prison WIs can be opened around the country.
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