The Rowan Tree or Mountain Ash

Greek mythology tells how Hebe, the goddess of youth, dispensed rejuvenating ambrosia to the gods, from her magical chalice. When she lost the cup to demons, the gods sent an eagle to recover it. The feathers and drops of blood the eagle shed on the ensuing fight with the demons, fell to earth, where each of them turned into a rowan tree. Hence, the rowan derived the shape of it's leaves  from the eagle's feathers and  the red berries from the droplets of blood. The Norse believed it was the tree from which the first woman was made and man being made from the ash tree.  It is also thought to have magical properties to protect against witchcraft and enchantment. Today I was disenchanted as the lock broke on my mail box and I had to wait in for the handyman to come and fix it. Maybe I'll go in the garden and hug the tree in case anything else happens.

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