All dressed up!!

The 66th annual meeting of our nurses league, no I wasn't there for the first one!!!

We hold the event in our old hospital, which now belongs to the University of Worcester and has been tastefully adapted to meet their needs. The chapel and board room are as they were, and after the service the Bishop spoke to the members as they were passing through the board room to go to lunch.

One of the members always dresses up as "a nurse of history", not sure who, but not Florence!!

Someone asked if they would pose for a photo, and I grabbed the opportunity to sneak one in as well.

We had a most enjoyable day, interesting as well, due to one of the elderly members wanting a breakdown of the cost of the event as she felt she wasn't getting value for her payment. This was a question to the chairperson in the middle of the AGM!!! It was well handled, as well as it could be without any advanced warning. She was a lone voice amongst the majority who were happy to be there and pay the very reasonable cost.

I'm off the committee now, so wont hear the subsequent discussion at the next meeting.

B & I were presented with small thank you gifts. We will still be doing all the work as before, without the need to attend the committee meetings.

A new member was voted on to the committee to replace me. She meets all my personal criteria, so that ticks the box on my list, my resignation wasn't wasted.

We weren't able to get Premier Inn accommodation in Worcester this time, so had to stay near Bromsgrove. B had driven me over for the meeting and then come back to collected me afterwards. 

We stayed locally for dinner rather than go back to Worcester again, in order that we could both have a drink and chat about the days events.

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