Happy Ending

Quite a day. We awoke to one of Josh's new two-day old calves missing. Its mom was bawling and mooing loudly, and Tom and I had seen mom and calf at 9:00 p.m. last night. We went out and walked and rode the hill, 100+ acres. We found no trace of it, and its mom kept crying and mooing, like she was looking for it. We thought the worst, that it had been carried off by a cougar or bear, very real possibilities here in this wild country. The poor mom ran around the hillside bawling so wildly. Tom, who later joined the search, said, "We can't have this mom lose her calf on Mothers Day." 

Later in the day, we hit the trails in search again. Lo and behold, Tom found them. We think what happened was the mom hid her baby out in the woods somewhere, and it stayed put until later in the day. We were very relieved, of course. 

A happy Mother's Day ending. 

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