Tree with ripe Jackfruit

There are about a hundred giants hanging in this tree! They weigh between 4 and 10kgs each! Please see my blips for 15 November as well as 1 December, the description there is quite nice as well! This blip here is taken at more or less the same angle as the one for 15 November, just note the difference in size of the fruit as well as the foliage under the tree!

They are ripening very fast now, which is quite a problem, they must be consumed, they cannot keep for long in this weather! Three fell off the tree in the last two weeks, which is quite a problem, they connect earth with such a BANG, it sounds like the tree falling on the roof!

What a mess, remember they are huge, filled with nutritious fruit, that taste like pineapple, are very sweet and excretes a sticky, gluey milk! The cleaning of the paving afterwards, is quite a ritual.

Our friends actually like to park under the tree, it is só big and makes a perfect shade, but can you imagine one falling on a car!

Old Manda dishes them out to friend and foe, they just love it! But make no mistake, not everybody likes it all that much!

Someone asked, so I thought it necessary to add: No,we don't let them fall, we cut them off the tree, but some are só high, and leaves so dense, we don't see them on time, those are the ones that fall, the fruit is quite soft when ripe, so they sort of 'splash'when they fall!

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