Ho ho ho
As you can see, the kids are full of seasonal cheer on Christmas Eve!
We've switched resorts now over to the other side of the mountain (yes, we sang that song* a lot). This is Smugglers Notch, normally called 'Smuggs' to avoid any of the Freudian slips you can make with a name like that.
They'd laid on carol singing in the evening at the foot of the ski run, followed by a torchlight procession (very elegantly done) and the arrival of Santa on a piste basher, then fireworks.
Sadly this was all accompanied by heavy rain. Hence the lack of joy and goodwill to all parents from our soggy two.
Before the rain started we did make a fab snowman outside our window - which I somehow didn't take a photo of. I think this was Conor's first proper snowman too, though it did look a bit odd after Katherine pushed its first head off while trying to over-enthusiastically add a mouth. The second head is never as good.
*The bear went over the mountain
The bear went over the mountain
The bear went over the mountain
To see what he could see
And all that he could see
And all that he could see
Was the other side of the mountain
The other side of the mountain
The other side of the mountain
Was all that he could see
etc, etc until everyone wants to kill everyone else in the car.
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