Mediaeval Mayhem

This weekend is the Mediaeval Market in the Old Town - the entire place has been transformed, there are stalls, eateries, theatre events, music etc etc... The 4 of us popped out there this morning to soak up the atmosphere...Asha rode a donkey (whilst dressed as a fairy, obviously - Asha, not the donkey)...I bought a beautiful hand painted dish (extras)...Asha played some mediaeval games...and Nate slept through it all! 
Then this afternoon Danny's Dad & wife arrived for a few days! We had a lovely dinner out with them both...on our walk home we came across a performance as part of this weekend's event - what a spectacle! Although my main blip isn't great, I was glad to get in the 900 year old walls and hopefully a bit of the atmosphere! A great way to end a brilliant day.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Beautiful pottery!! I was in heaven choosing which one I'd buy...
2) N&B making the effort to come and meet Nate!
3) Meeting loads of neighbours in the supermarket - a supposedly very quick trip turned out to be quite lengthy! I love the openness here.

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