
Walking up to the shops this morning I thought I'd better look in my bag and check I had my purse, don't know what made me look but no, no money so had to walk back home and get funds for the shopping. Got up to the village and noticed this man taking photos of the casually dressed woman. As I walked past she smiled and I said hello. No I've never met her but I did know she's my MP. A few women were trying to give out leaflets and after taking one the comment was oh thank goodness someone has taken one!! Took this shot with my phone as I hadn't got my camera with me. I hope she does get back in but who knows as I told the woman I like her as an MP but I am really not a fan of her leader.
I'm off out this evening to a concert with Alison, her husband sings in a choir and an ex colleague of mine also sings in it, she doesn't know I'm going so will be nice to say hi to her if I get a chance.
Other news: Luna has a brother Obi Wan, I think they are Star Wars fans and I met the new cat from next door, a cheeky little thing. Exploring my garden getting behind plants, making herself comfortable. She ignored my spraying her with water so I opened the gate and chased her out. Am sure she'll be back!

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