
By memento


When the plants that are supposedly drought tolerant start looking a bit droopy...early morning watering, just a sip or two for each growing thing and then back inside to continue the few projects I'm on.

The work next door has started and because the neighbors work outside of their home, I will document the progress for them. Not too noisy and disruptive today, I suppose the earth shaking banging won't start till the roof framing begins. It brings back memories of our own two year long remodel back in 2002. *Shivers*

How can it be 75 degrees one day, 85 the next and 95 the day after that with wind gusts up to 40 mph? That is really going to suck the moisture out of everything. The two bird baths had a steady stream of traffic all day and by the end of the day needed filling again. Maybe the answer is gravel and cacti, if this continues.

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