Re-Vision: A Photo Journal

By shellkaysm

Unannounced Visitor

No, we didn't adopt her! But, she did show up in our driveway. No one owns pit bulls in the neighborhood, so we were concerned that she may have been dropped off. Ella announced the unannounced visitor who was wagging away endlessly despite the grumbling resident canine tag team. Paul went out but found no tags, then spied an apparent sibling running into the wooded area. We never saw that one again. After a drink gift, she graciously slobbered us with kisses & agreed to a few quick shots from my phone. We put her in the truck & drove around to see if anyone was looking for her. We met a lady in a nearby street who said she'd contact the rescue org. & care for her if no one claimed her. She seemed genuinely a dog lover with a pit & bull dog of her own. Later, we drove up the other end of town & saw this woman with the dog talking to another lady. It was the owner (both dogs were now home). She was clearly overwhelmed with a toddler, 2 dogs she can't control...& let's just say, life in general. The owner was located after having a vet scan for a chip. The good samaritan called us later & was remorseful for "doing the right thing", not convinced returning the dog was really the best thing for her well-being (not even sure if child & animal welfare services might be needed there). Do we ever know what is right, even when we are humanitarians? As we all agreed, however, if fate brings the sweet pit to our house again, things will turn out differently.

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