Rob Coombe Photography

By CoombeDog

Talbot Golf Day - Where it all Began...

1 Year ago at the Talbot Arms Golf Day WoodhouseSnappa introduced me to this wonderful world of blip and persuaded me to sign up. It's since become a major part of my life as I have got much more in to photography and now look to pursue it further...

Today the weather just about held off and we had a great day. I had a really solid back 9, coming back just 2 over gross and managed to win the competition! I won a golf bag along with the Talbot Arms Claret Jug! 2 wins in 2 days... I've peaked!

Thank you so much to all that view, comment, rate, and favourite my photos. It really does mean a lot to me.

I will continue to blip every day through 2012... after then, who knows!

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